International Loungeはキャンパス内の国際交流の場です。毎週金曜日の昼休みにHASEKO-KUMA HALL 2Fで英語・日本語など多言語な環境で会話をしています。多言語の雰囲気を楽しみたい方、他の文化について学びたい方、国籍を超えた仲間と出会うチャンスです。事前登録は不要です。
The International Lounge is a place for international exchange on campus. Every Friday during lunchtime, we have conversations in a multilingual environment, on the 2nd floor of HASEKO-KUMA HALL. It’s a chance for those who want to enjoy a multilingual atmosphere, learn about other cultures, and meet friends from different countries. No registration is necessary.