東京大学 大学院工学系研究科・工学部は、1877年(明治10年)に創設された工部大学校を起源としています。工学は、基礎科学の問題から科学技術全般・社会全体にまたがる課題までを取り扱う広大な学問体系を有しています。大学院工学系研究科は18専攻、11附属施設から、工学部は16学科から構成されており、約5,000人の学生、500名の教員と200名の事務・技術職員が日夜勉学、研究、教育に励んでいます。
工学系研究科・工学部の本拠地である本郷キャンパス正門からほど近い工学部11号館の講堂とラウンジが、リノベーションにより「HASEKO-KUMA HALL」として新たに生まれ変わりました。講堂は、国際会議、シンポジウム、講習会などの各種会合の会場として、ラウンジは展示会、展覧会などの各種学術イベント、懇談会などのサロンとして、夜間はドリンクを楽しみながら会話も楽しめる空間になります。本ホールが、分野を越えた多くの皆様にとって、公私ともに交流し、くつろげる場となることは、私にとって大きな喜びです。また、講堂とラウンジは一般利用も可能ですので、地域活性の場としても広く活用していただきたいと願っております。
本ホールのデザイン・設計は、東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピックのメイン会場である「新国立競技場」の設計者として世界的に著名な、工学系建築学専攻の隈 研吾教授に手掛けていただき、建築を志す若手人材育成にも力を注いでいる長谷工グループが設計施工を担いました。木製のBOXを全面に配した、隈教授のデザインならではの空間・世界観を体感していただけます。BOXは工学系研究科・工学部の発信ツールとして研究成果を展示してまいります。初回の展示は、100年以上前に製造された黎明期の真空管から、18桁精度(およそ300億年経過すると1秒ずれる精度)が達成可能な「光格子時計」まで、今日の社会を実現した科学技術の進歩と重なり合う、各専攻の時空を超えた貴重品の数々を公開いたします。
The University of Tokyo”s Hongo Campus is home to the Graduate School of Engineering and the (undergraduate) Faculty of Engineering. Inside the Faculty of Engineering Building 11, standing near the main gate of Hongo Campus, the lounge and hall area has been renovated and reborn as “HASEKO-KUMA HALL.”
The “Hall” will be used as a venue for international conferences, symposia, lectures and various interdisciplinary meetings and workshops. The “Lounge” will be used for diverse academic events such as exhibitions and shows and as a salon or gathering place for informal social gatherings, meetings and round-table conferences, and it is a space where you may enjoy pleasant conversations while sipping alcohol drinks in the evening hours.I would be overjoyed if the “HASEKO-KUMA HALL” would become a place for many people from diverse fields of specialty to be able to interact, exchange and relax side by side both on and off duty. Additionally, the “Hall” and “Lounge” will be open also for general use, accordingly, we also hope that the “Hall” and “Lounge” would be widely used as a space in contributing to revitalization of the surrounding neighborhoods.
An architect of international distinction, Kengo Kuma, who designed the New National Stadium for the 2020 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, is also a Department of Architecture Professor at the Graduate School of Engineering of the University of Tokyo, and who was responsible for the interior spatial renovation design of the “HASEKO-KUMA HALL.” The Haseko Group is responsible for the construction and working drawings, and also it is focusing on developing young human resources interested in architectural career.
Experiencing the “HASEKO-KUMA HALL” with the arranged numerous wooden boxes filling its space would inspire the visitor to feel the unique architectural spatial world of the professor/architect, Kengo Kuma. The wooden boxes will exhibit research results as a tool for widely transmitting and disseminating those achievements of the Graduate School of Engineering and the Faculty of Engineering.The first exhibition will feature from each majors a wide range of specimen from the very early vacuum tube manufactured more than 100 years ago to the state-of-the-art “Optical Lattice Clock” that provides 18 digits of time measurement accuracy (corresponding to an error of one second in 30 billion years). The exhibits will collectively present a number of valuables that transcend time and space which reflect the progress of overlapping development of science and technology that realized today’s society.
The United Nations (UN) issued the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in the 2015 UN Summit and enacted in 2016. The UN set 17 separate but inter-connected goals, which are all deeply related to engineering, to be achieved by 2030 to overcome the dire problems the world faces in the 21st century. Wherefore we are hoping that this space will provide a new place to exchange to those “knowledge professionals” who may provide solutions to complex social issues, open up the way to the future and lead the world to gather and interact freely and to emerge and go forward from here.
Finally, I would like to thank the Haseko Group for their donation of construction work and provision of working drawings, as well as to those who have made great efforts and assistances for the realization of this project.
January 2020
Dean of the School of Engineering

施設名称:東京大学工学部11号館 HASEKO-KUMA HALL
所在地:東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 東京大学工学部11号館
床面積:687.47㎡ (工学部11号館の1階及び2階部分のうち、講堂とラウンジ部分)
設計:隈 研吾(工学系研究科教授)、株式会社 長谷工コーポレーション
施工:株式会社 長谷工リフォーム
Name of Facility: HASEKO-KUMA HALL, Engineering Building 11,
Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Address: Engineering Building 11, The University of Tokyo,
7-3-1 Hongo, Bukyo-ku, Tokyo
Application: Lecture Hall, Lounge
Floor Size: 687.47㎡ (Lecture Hall and Lounge, Engineering Building 11, 1F and 2F)
Capacity: 130 seats (10 seats and 5 tables in the front row are movable)
Design: Kengo Kuma (Professor, School of Engineering), HASEKO Corporation
Construction: Haseko Reform, Inc.
Construction Duration: March 1, 2019 ~ December 27, 2019
Opening: January 30, 2020