計数工学科Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics

LevioPole デバイス (Ver.1)
制作:佐々木智也、劉 高華
制作協力:伊藤 大智、荻野 将拓、原口 純也、長谷川 大樹、土屋 慧太郎、リチャード ハルタント、檜山 敦、稲見 昌彦
所蔵:東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター身体情報学分野
LevioPole is a research project about full-body interaction in mid-air. We developed a rod-shaped device which is constructed from two rotor units allowing portability and that device provides both rotational and translational forces. The device will be expected for applications to VR/AR, entertainment, and rehabilitation in the real world.
LevioPole Device (Ver.1)
Size: 300×400×1600
Production: Tomoya Sasaki, Kao-Hua Liu
Support: Daichi Ito, Masahiro Ogino, Junya Haraguchi, Taiki Hasegawa, Keitaro Tsuchiya, Richard Sahala Hartanto, Atsushi Hiyama, Masahiko Inami
Collection: Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo