帝都復興事業における隅田川橋梁群Sumida River Bridges of Tokyo Reconstruction Work after 1923 Great Kantō Earthquake


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社会基盤学専攻Department of Civil Engineering

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The Civil Engineering Library holds valuable documents of civil engineering works in Japan from the Taisho to the early Showa period. This panel exhibits blueprints and completion photographs of Sumida River bridges, which were reconstructed by a team of young engineers led by our graduates after the 1923 Great Kantō Earthquake.
The group of bridges in different structural forms became a symbol of Tokyo’s reconstruction, and the project paved the way for later development of long-span bridge technology in Japan.
The Department of Civil Engineering offers a project course for freshmen in which students collaboratively build a large-scale model for one of the Sumida River bridges from its original blueprints. The course provides students with practical opportunities to learn civil engineering design and cooperative project implementation.

Blueprints and completion photographs of the Sumida River bridges
2019 (panel)
Size: 1250×1640
Left) Blueprints of Eitai bridge
Courtesy: Civil Engineering Library, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Right) Completion photographs(Eitai, Kiyosu, Kuramae, Komagata and Kototoi bridges)
Eitai, Kiyosu, Kuramae and Kototoi bridges
Courtesy: Japan Society of Civil Engineers Library
Komagata bridge
Collection: Civil Engineering Library, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo.
