次世代原子炉 模型
The Fast Reactors (FR) is expected to be a key successor to the Light Water Reactors (LWR) as a next-generation reactor that supports the realization of a recycling-oriented society. The effective use of fast neutrons in FRs to generate more neutrons than LWRs allows the development of nuclear energy as a more diversified technology. An extremely serious drawback of nuclear energy is that the radioactive waste produced by it cannot be disposed of without processing.
Consequently, expectations have been placed on the full development of FR technologies to respond to the need to establish a system capable of addressing settlement issues such as spent fuel management, decommissioning, and waste disposal.
Model of the next generation nuclear reactor
Size: 470×510×310
Production: Mitsubishi FBR Systems, Inc.
Collection: Mitsubishi FBR Systems, Inc.
The fast reactors (FR) is expected to be a key successor to the light water reactors (LWR) as a next-generation reactor that supports the realization of a recycling-oriented society. The effective use of fast neutrons in FRs to generate more neutrons than LWRs allows the development of nuclear energy as a more diversified technology.