原子力専攻概要Outline of Nuclear Professional School
原子力専攻 (専門職大学院)Nuclear Professional School

制作:東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 原子力専攻
所蔵:東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 原子力専攻
原子力専攻は東京から北東方向に約112 km離れた茨城県東海村にあります。
The Nuclear Professional School (NPS) fosters researches in the fields of advanced nuclear reactor engineering including nuclear fusion, decommissioning engineering, advanced laser beam science, and medical physics.
The staffs of NPS are in close co-operation, in their research activities, with the members of Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, for education of undergraduate and graduate students. Many researches are performed utilizing the several large accelerator facilities including the Electron Linear Accelerator Facility (LINAC) and the High Fluence Irradiation Facility (HIT) in NPS. These facilities are also open to members of various universities and research institutes.
Moreover, as the only professional school specializing in the nuclear engineering field in Japan, the school helps students to acquire deep and wide knowledge about safe operation, maintenance, and management of nuclear-related facilities.
A Bird’s-eye Photograph of Nuclear Professional School and an Aerial Photographic Map of Tokai Village
Size: 1200×1200
Coutesy: Tokai Villege Naka-gun,Ibaraki (Aerial Photo)
Production: Nuclear Professional School, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo.
Collection: Nuclear Professional School, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo.
Nuclear Professional is located in Tokai Village, which is about 112 km away from Hongo-campus toward north east.