スターリングエンジン 3年生演習優秀作品Stirling Engine: Prized pieces of 3rd-year Undergraduate Student Exercise


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機械工学科・機械情報工学科Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Mechano-Informatics

スターリングエンジン 3年生演習優秀作品
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A Stirling engine is an external combustion engine powered by heat from outside. When you think of an engine in general, you might think of an internal combustion engine such as an automobile engine. Though unfamiliar, Stirling engines are expected for utilizing various heat sources, reduction of noise, and clean exhaust gas.
In the department of mechanical engineering and mechano-informatics, each team of four students designs and produces an original Stirling engine. 3rd-year students experience concept design, drafting, processing, assembling, and measurement. Through two weeks of the exercise, they learn the practical way to apply the basic knowledge of fundamental four mechanics, design, and production.
The two exhibits are works that won the Maximum-Power-Prize and the Power-Weight-Ratio-Prize among the Stirling engines produced in 2019.

Group19: Power award
Size: 160×380×100
Production: 3rd-year students of department of mechanical engineering, group19
Courtesy: Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo

Group15: Power weight ratio award
Size: 120×185×100
Production: 3rd-year students of department of mechanical engineering, group15
Courtesy: Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo

The two exhibits are works that won the Maximum-Power-Prize and the Power-Weight-Ratio-Prize among the Stirling engines produced in the exercise of the 3rd year of mechanical engineering in 2019.

スターリングエンジン 3年生演習優秀作品