マンガンノジュールManganese Nodules
システム創成学専攻Department of Systems Innovation

マンガンノジュール (マンガン団塊)とは,深海底に分布する海底鉱物資源のひとつで,直径数~十数cmの球状の団塊です。岩石の欠片やサメの歯などを核として、その周りに鉄やマンガンの酸化物が沈積し、同心円状に成長します。銅・ニッケル・コバルトなどを豊富に含むため、1970年代から開発に向けた取組みが進められており、ハワイ沖のクラリオン―クリッパートン断裂帯海域には国際的な鉱区も設定されています (日本も取得済)。
また2016年には、本学の加藤泰浩教授らの研究グループにより日本の排他的経済水域 (EEZ) である南鳥島周辺海域の調査が行われ、広大な「マンガンノジュールフィールド」が存在することが発見されました。
所蔵:東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 システム創成学専攻
Manganese nodules are a type of deep-sea mineral resource, which are spherical in shape with a diameter of several to ten odd of centimeters. Manganese and iron oxides grow concentrically around a core that is originated from fragments of rock and/or shark teeth. As they contain abundant copper, nickel, cobalt, etc., efforts have been made for development of the manganese nodules since the 1970s. An international mining area in the Clarion-Clipperton fracture zone off the coast of Hawaii has been granted by the International Seabed Authority.
In 2016, broad areas of “manganese nodule field” were discovered by a research group of Professor Yasuhiro Kato, the University of Tokyo, within the Japanese exclusive economic zone (EEZ) around the Minami-Tori-Shima Island.
This exhibition sample was collected by a manned research submersible “Shinkai 6500” from the deep-sea floor in the Minami-Tori-Shima EEZ.
Manganese nodule (Towards development of the frontier resources in deep-sea)
Size: 80×40×40
Collection: Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Manganese nodules are a type of deep-sea mineral resource with high concentrations of various metals such as cobalt, nickel and copper. They are widely distributed in the global ocean, including the Japanese EEZ around the Minamitorishima Island. This sample was taken from the deep-sea floor in the Minamitorishima EEZ.