化学生命工学科/化学生命工学専攻紹介パネルIntroduction of Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
化学生命工学専攻Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology

所蔵:東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 化学生命工学専攻
Molecules constitute our body as well as substances around us. In the panel, molecular assemblies of chemically synthesized molecules and DNA which is molecular assemblies of biomolecules are depicted.
Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology addresses organic chemistry and chemistry in life science centering on molecules to perform world-leading researches on environmental, energy and medical fields.
In the “Chemistry” fields, we pioneer methodologies of organic and polymer synthesis with high efficiency and selectivity based on whole new ideas, aiming to develop supramolecular and super materials with excellent functionalities beyond nature.
In the “Life Science” fields, we aim at the development of biomolecules and biological systems and application to biotechnology based on elucidation of life phenomena in the molecular level by taking advantage of chemistry.
2019 (Panel)
Size: 1189x1189
Collection: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo