分子・細胞からプロセス、健康社会までをつなぐConnecting Molecules/Cells, Processes, and the Healthcare Society
化学システム工学専攻Department of Chemical System Engineering

2019 (パネル制作)
制作:東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 化学システム工学専攻 平尾・杉山研究室 メンバー, 水田 言美, 瀬尾 拡史, 高橋 美里
提供:杉山弘和 准教授
所蔵:東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 化学システム工学専攻
Drug molecule, monoclonal antibody, iPS cell, bioreactor, medical
device, hospital, and patient… This drawing shows the elements of the
contemporary healthcare society.
The challenge of chemical system engineering is to advance research on each of these elements and further introduce comprehensive perspectives, with being strongly conscious of the “connections between the elements” for the design of the total system. Our goal is to extend the design boundaries across the temporal and spatial scales to answer questions like: “how to use process and cell/molecule design tools to fulfill the needs of the healthcare society?”, and “how to manufacture and use a novel drug in an efficient way?”.
Such concepts and the close connections between the elements are represented by the one-stroke drawing using the red rope.The drawing was finalized by the students and staff members in
Hirao-Sugiyama Laboratory in Department of Chemical System Engineering.
Size: 150×150
Production: Hirao-Sugiyama Laboratory, Department of Chemical System Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Ms. Kotomi Mizuta, M.D. Hirofumi Seo, Ms. Misato Takahashi
Courtesy: Associate Professor Hirokazu Sugiyama, Department of Chemical System Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Collection: Department of Chemical System Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
This drawing presents a challenge of chemical system engineering towards total system design beyond time and special scales, by the one-stroke sketch of the elements in the healthcare society.