個別設計手法によるスポーツ用義足ブレードの最適設計Optimal Design of Running Specific Prosthesis by Personalized Design Methodology
システム創成学専攻Department of Systems Innovation

所蔵:東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 システム創成学専攻
Running Specific Prosthesis that is going to be used by athletes in 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games was developed by joint research works of the University of Tokyo, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and The KAITEKI Institute, Inc. Digital Athlete, reproducing the athlete’s motion on a computer, was developed based on the methodology of biomechanics and computational mechanics. It utilizes a personalized individual design method that takes into account the individual motion characteristics of the user for the optimum design of prosthesis and blade shape and stiffness.
Running Specific Prosthesis
Production: The KAITEKI Institute, Inc.
Collection: Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Athletic Prosthesis Blade.