新しい電磁気学を切り拓くトポロジカルな磁気粒子スキルミオンTopological Magnetic Particle Skyrmion Opens Up New Electromagnetism
物理工学専攻Department of Applied Physics

私たちが電子顕微鏡で初めて直接観測したスキルミオンは、磁石における数百~数万個のスピンが整列して直径が数~数百nm 程度の渦状構造を形成したもので、結晶状態などの多彩な超構造形態で観測されます。
スキルミオンを成す全てのスピンを一点に集めると、スピンの向きがちょうど1 回球面を覆います。このようにスピンが球面を整数回だけ覆うとき、スピン構造がトポロジーという幾何学的性質を持つといい、素粒子物理学において導入された仮想粒子のスキルミオンと同様の構造をしていることからその名が付けられました。スキルミオンのトポロジーは、物質中の電子との相互作用を通して物理的にも特有の性質をもたらしてくれます。
所蔵:東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 物理工学専攻
A skyrmion is a vortex-like spin structure with a diameter of several to several-hundreds of nanometers, consisting of hundreds to tensof-thousands of spins in a magnet.
We directly observed their aggregate in a crystalline form for
the first time by transmission electron microscopy. When all the spins within a skyrmion are collected at one point, the spin direction covers the sphere exactly once. In such a case that the spin direction overs
the sphere an integer number of times, the spin structure is said to be topological. Since the skyrmion structure has been proposed in elementary particle physics half a century ago, the observed magnetic particles are called skyrmions. Their topological property brings unique physical properties through interactions with electrons.
For example, they can be driven with a small amount of electrical power, which possibly enables an ultra-low power-consumption information processing device in the future. Furthermore, like a huge magnetic field applied, a skyrmion can bend the trajectory of moving electrons, which can cause phenomena that exceed the conventional wisdom of electromagnetics.
Topological magnetic particle skyrmion opens up new electromagnetism
Production: Professor Yoshinori Tokura, Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Collection: Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Topological character of a skyrmion (left top). When all the spins within a skyrmion are collected at one point, the spin direction covers the sphere exactly once. Schematic illustration of a skyrmion (left bottom). Crystal state of densely-packed skyrmions (right).